Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

RJB Homewares respect the privacy and security of its users and therefore, keeping this in mind, we have tailored our privacy policy in favour of all parties. Please read this to review the updates about which cookies we use and what information we collect on our site.

Who we are

In this privacy policy references to "we", "us" and "our" are to RJB Homewares.  References to "our Website" or "the Website" are to

Other Websites

This privacy policy only covers this website. Any other websites which may be linked to by our website are subject to their own policy, which may differ from ours.

Your personal information

When you use RJB Homewares and register for a new account you will be asked to provide certain information such as your address, mobile phone number and email address.

We’ll use this information to:

Keep you up to date on the progress of your rugs sale.

Keep you informed on RJB Homewares latest products and services if you don’t opt-out during registration.
Keep you informed on the latest products and services of carefully selected 3rd parties (including special offers, discount and competitions) only if you choose to opt-in during registration.

We may contact you by any of the following methods:
Text message or picture message